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 Why Are Gamblers Leaving Land-Based Houses for Online Casino?

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Why Are Gamblers Leaving Land-Based Houses for Online Casino? Empty
СообщениеWhy Are Gamblers Leaving Land-Based Houses for Online Casino?

Online Casino has firmly entered the life of gambling enthusiasts today. Land-based casinos are almost a thing of the past because they have many disadvantages compared to the online version. Modern technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have also played a role.

Let’s try to determine the best version for a player.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Casinos

There are a few pros of brick-and-mortar venues:

  • an opportunity to plunge into the casino atmosphere while switching off from work and everyday life;

  • live communication with other players;

  • cash betting.

However, the following disadvantages can be noted:

  • a noisy environment, which may distract you from gambling;

  • your favorite slot may be occupied by other players;

  • many players smoke, which is unacceptable for non-smokers.


With the COVID-19 virus decimating the world’s population, the possibility of catching the infection in a land-based casino deserves special mention. Players are crowded indoors, constantly in contact with each other, touching buttons on slot machines, and so on. This significantly increases the risk of getting the infection, even if certain rules are followed, such as performing disinfection and wearing protective masks.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Casinos

An online casino has the edge over the land-based one, giving a player more options:

  • A huge assortment of slot machines – their number can reach hundreds – against a maximum of several dozen slots in offline casinos;

  • The opportunity of playing not only card, board or video games but also on sports or games with a live dealer;

  • No need to go anywhere, since you can play through a website or mobile application (otherwise, you will have to spend some time and money on getting to an offline casino);

  • The availability of online casinos thanks to which a player can place bets at any time – at bedtime, when at work, or on the go;

  • A large number of various bonuses, from no deposit deals to free spins;

  • A chance for a player to remain anonymous to other casino visitors;

  • No risk of catching COVID-19;

  • Fair game, as an online casino license costs a lot of money, and the casino is interested to show fair rules and a transparent game;

  • The possibility to enjoy modern technologies – innovations are quickly implemented in online casino games, such as better graphics or unique gameplay;

  • The ability to quickly replenish a balance as well as withdraw well-earned funds to a payment system convenient for the player;

  • High level of your data protection, which applies to both personal information and any data regarding cash transactions.

It is also worth adding the possibility of playing in an online casino if there is no land-based house in your area or it is prohibited by the authorities. Popular online casinos accept players from almost all countries, which means you can beat a player from another country when playing poker or slots. It makes the game even more interesting, and the prizes are larger.


The disadvantages of online casinos include:

  • Verification of identity and age (so that teenagers cannot place bets) is required. This is a necessary measure to protect both a player and a casino from scammers. The verification does not take much time: usually, you just need to take a picture and send a photo of a document confirming your identity. Further, the support service, which works around the clock, confirms your identity.

  • You may be attacked by a regular newsletter from the casino with bonus offers in it. Actually, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter, but then there is a risk of missing a profitable promotion.


As you can see, the advantages of online casinos are obvious when compared with land-based gambling establishments. But often an online gambler has other problems that he doesn’t experience in his usual offline routine.


Digital Reality Versus Offline

So, you have switched to the online casino format. What possible difficulties or peculiarities can you encounter?

  1. Digital money. Now you play using a site or application, replenishing your balance virtually, by a credit card or cryptocurrency. The lack of physical contact with money can be unusual for beginners. Therefore, digital money is easier to lose. At first, you should avoid placing large bets or exceeding the amount of a planned deposit. With time, you will learn to control your funds.

  2. Gambling atmosphere. While it’s hard for you to control the time in a regular casino (no clocks on the walls, dim lighting, etc.), you can easily keep track of timing when using a mobile application or playing on a site. At the same time, the gambling atmosphere does not disappear, and complete immersion is guaranteed.

  3. Loss of focus. Do not try to play all slots at once. If you quickly change slots, it is difficult to get a big win, as well as the fun of the game.

  4. Demo mode. All online casinos have it. In other words, a player can test a slot playing on virtual money, without using his own funds. This is a very profitable feature of online casinos, which is certainly worth using it.

  5. Bonuses. Use bonuses wisely – almost all of them have strict requirements for wagering. If you understand that it will be difficult for you to bet the required amount and stay in the black, ignore this bonus. Of course, wager-free bonuses, for example, free spins should be activated.


Casino Development Trend

Statistics show that the number of online casino players is growing exponentially. The users see the advantages of online houses over offline venues, including no risk of getting COVID-19 and no need to go to another end of the city for playing their favorite slot. And new technologies make the game in the casinos even more comfortable and interesting!

One of the most popular online casinos in Thailand and Southeast Asia is GCLUB Online. Live dealers, a large selection of board and card games, online slots, and much more – stay on track by placing bets and winning at GCLUB Online!

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Why Are Gamblers Leaving Land-Based Houses for Online Casino?

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