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 11th International Congress of Medical Sciences.

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Специальность : хірургія
Одобрения от коллег : 2

11th International Congress of Medical Sciences. Empty
СообщениеТема: 11th International Congress of Medical Sciences.   11th International Congress of Medical Sciences. EmptyПн 30 Янв 2012 - 18:41

For the last 10 years this annual event has become one of the leading and most important academic events for medical students and young doctors in Europe with more than 400 participants. The ICMS is held under the patronage of the rector of Medical University of Sofia and it is organized by the Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria (AMSB, www.amsb.org), member of the International Federation of Medical Students` Associations (IFMSA).

The deadline for abstract submission is 01.03.2012.
For passive participation you can apply until the beginning of the congress.
The conference will be from 03 – 06th May 2012
For further information visit our website: http://www.icmsbg.org/
or do not hesitate to contact us at info@icmsbg.org
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Специальность : Хирург
Одобрения от коллег : 241

11th International Congress of Medical Sciences. Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: 11th International Congress of Medical Sciences.   11th International Congress of Medical Sciences. EmptyПн 30 Янв 2012 - 19:50

Thank you !
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11th International Congress of Medical Sciences.

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